1st Europex Policy Lunch: The Market Integration of Renewables in the Context of the New Energy Market Design

Venue: European Parliament, Paul-Henri-Spaak building, Room number: P1C047

Date: 11 October 2016


  • European Parliament: Mrs Martina Werner (MEP, Member of the ITRE Committee)
  • European Commission: Mrs Marie Donnelly (DG ENER, Director Directorate C — Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency)
  • Europex: Mr Borut Rajer (Director of Operations at Borzen, the Slovenian Power Market Operator, and Head of the Working Group for Environmental Markets at Europex)
  • Moderator: Mr Christian Baer (Secretary General Europex)

Key Europex statements:

  1. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) should be integrated into the market. All production units should, proportionally to their size and technical ability, be put on an equal footing regarding their balancing responsibility.
  2. The EU’s long term interests in RES will be best served, if the focus is on the full integration of RES into the grid and the power system as a whole and not on partial measures and subsidies.
  3. The progressive further development of connected day-ahead, intraday and balancing electricity markets, which is one of Europex key priorities, will aid to this integration process.
  4. The key to ensuring stability, transparency and integrity for investors is to continue the transition towards market-based support schemes, in those cases where support is still needed. This should be done on an EU-harmonised level.
  5. Irrespective of the support, the focus should be put back on consumers, by strengthening and using the guarantees of origin (GO) system. The use of GOs empowers the conscious consumer to choose its preferred type of electricity source(s), and can thus contribute to driving more investments in RES. A GO system extended to all production sources and based on full disclosure will allow this already existing tool to deliver its full potential and increase transparency in the market as well as enable a true market based differentiation between production sources.


Please find attached the presentation of Mr Rajer.