Who we are

Europex is the Association of European Energy Exchanges, the business association for energy exchanges, market operators and delegated operators in Europe. As energy market infrastructure providers, the core activities of Europex members include, among other tasks, the operation of wholesale electricity, gas and emissions markets in long-term and short-term timeframes. In addition, they act as Organised Market Places (OMPs), Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs) and Inside Information Platforms (IIPs) in the framework of the EU Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) and operate registries for Guarantees of Origin for renewable energy.

Our Mission

Europex represents the interests of exchange-based wholesale electricity, gas and environmental markets, focuses on developments of the European regulatory framework for wholesale energy trading and provides a discussion platform at European level. Its broad aims are to:

  • Promote and enable efficient, accessible, liquid, secure and transparent wholesale energy and environmental markets;
  • Represent member interests towards legislative and regulatory bodies as well as other relevant stakeholders, working for common positions on specific issues and providing a unified voice;
  • Provide support to members on regional and national policy issues relevant to European wholesale energy markets.

Europex’ roots lie in the liberalisation of the European energy market which started in the 1990s. As newly created market infrastructure providers following the establishment of competitive electricity and gas markets, European energy exchanges realised the need for cooperation. Seven power exchanges voluntarily agreed in 2001 to create a single EU-level advocacy body to deal with regulatory challenges associated with the Internal Energy Market, align positions and communicate with policymakers, regulators and other relevant stakeholders. Since its formal creation on 12 April 2002, Europex has grown and transformed significantly. Its members have made a strong contribution to the design and proper functioning of today’s liberalised European energy market.

The original focus of the Association was on the integration of short-term electricity markets across Europe, and the emergence of long-term hedging markets. Over time, the focus has broadened to cover natural gas trading and environmental market aspects. In addition, the geographical reach of Europex has increased significantly. The Association now acts as the central voice of European energy exchanges towards the European institutions, national financial and energy regulators and many other stakeholders. Today, Europex counts 31 full members and four associate members.


General Assembly

The Europex General Assembly consists of the CEOs or the company’s equivalent position of all 33 members.


The six-person Board, elected every two years, steers the Association and reports to the General Assembly.


The Europex Secretariat plays an organisational and coordinating role and is responsible for the day to day activities of the Association.

Europex is a not-for-profit association under Belgian law. The Europex Secretariat is based in Brussels and is headed by the Secretary General. The main decision-making body of the Association is the General Assembly, which meets 1-2 times per year. The six-person Board, elected every two years, steers the Association and reports to the General Assembly. It is composed of CEOs or equivalent senior executive staff. Currently elected to the Board (2024 – 2025 mandate) are Tom Darell (Nord Pool) – Chairman – Stefano Alaimo (GME), Alexandros Papageorgiou (EnExGroup), Michal Puchel (OTE), Jonas Törnquist (EPEX SPOT) and Lucas Schmeddes (ICE Endex).

Europex has five Working Groups and three Task Forces:

  • Environmental Markets Working Group (WG EM), headed by Jethro van Hardeveld (ICE)

  • Financial Markets Working Group (WG FM), headed by Anje Stiers (EEX)

  • Gas Markets Working Group (WG  GM), headed by Frederick Bernthaler (CEGH)

  • Power Markets Working Group (WG PM), headed by Arnold Weiß (EPEX SPOT)

  • REMIT Working Group (WG REMIT), headed by Evangelia Papadionysiou (HEnEx)


The Balancing Task Force (BAL TF) reports to WG PM and covers issues related to the European balancing projects as well as topics relevant for Delegated Operators (see below). The Energy Community Task Force (EC TF) follows the development of non-EU, European energy markets and assists members with regional interests. Lastly, the Digital and Cybersecurity Task Force (DC TF) handles files concerning digitalisation, cybersecurity, data management, artificial intelligence and other related topics. 

Articles of Association

Europex, the Association of European Energy Exchanges, is a not-for-profit association and a legal entity governed by the present Articles of Association and by the Belgium Act of 27 June 1921 on not-for-profit making associations (as amended from time to time by the Belgian legislator).

Please find attached the full version of the Articles of Association in French and English.