Energy Markets for Europe

European Commission call for evidence on the single market strategy 2025
As Europex, we firmly believe that the EU Internal Energy Market (IEM) is a key part of the EU Single Market and, hence, can significantly

Europex General Assembly Elects New Leadership for Financial and Environmental Markets Working Groups
The announced departure of Anje Stiers as Head of the Financial Markets Working Group at Europex, effective 31 January 2025, led to an extraordinary mid-mandate

Assessment of potential impacts of regional virtual hubs on the forward markets
The EU electricity market reform has mandated the European Commission to assess the impact of virtual trading hubs on the liquidity of electricity forward markets.

ACER public consultation on the draft network code on demand response
Europex suggests targeted amendments to the Network Code on Demand Response draft to develop market-based flexibility and ensure efficient local flexibility market operation by third

Joint Statement on the Low-Carbon Fuels certification draft Delegated Act
On 25 October, Ammonia Europe, CCSA, CEFIC, Cogen Europe, EIGA, ENTSOG, ERGaR, Eurofer, Eurogas, Europex, Fertilisers Europe, Fuels Europe, GIE, Hydrogen Europe, IFIEC, IOGP and

ACER public consultation on amending the network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems
Europex welcomes the opportunity to respond to the ACER consultation on amending the network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems. Please find

European Commission call for evidence on the single market strategy 2025
As Europex, we firmly believe that the EU Internal Energy Market (IEM) is a key part of the EU Single Market and, hence, can significantly

Europex General Assembly Elects New Leadership for Financial and Environmental Markets Working Groups
The announced departure of Anje Stiers as Head of the Financial Markets Working Group at Europex, effective 31 January 2025, led to an extraordinary mid-mandate

Assessment of potential impacts of regional virtual hubs on the forward markets
The EU electricity market reform has mandated the European Commission to assess the impact of virtual trading hubs on the liquidity of electricity forward markets.
Europex structures its activities across five Working Groups, addressing topics critical to electricity, gas, environmental and financial markets and focusing on market integrity and transparency.
Additionally, more specific policy areas are tackled by Task Forces such as that for balancing, and Energy Community and third country issues.
Europex has developed this resource to provide an overview of EU legislation relevant for wholesale energy trading. The collection only includes legislation that has formally entered into force. Links to non-binding guidance or supporting documents are also available, where relevant.
all Nemo CommitTee

The All NEMO Committee facilitates cooperation among Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) to support the efficient and secure design, implementation and operation of single day-ahead and intraday coupling.
Visit the All NEMO Committee website to learn more. Europex takes no responsibility for the content of the All NEMO Committee website.