
03 April 2024
ALPEX upgrades to full membership of Europex

ALPEX, the Albanian Power Exchange upgraded their Europex membership from associate to full.

20 October 2023
General Assembly elects Board and WG Heads for 2024-2025, and establishes new WG REMIT

Tom Darell (CEO of Nord Pool) was elected Chairman. Stefano Alaimo (Markets Director at GME), Alexandros Papageorgiou (CEO of EnExGroup), Michal Puchel (CEO of OTE), Jonas Törnquist (COO of EPEX SPOT) and Lucas Schmeddes (President & COO of ICE Endex) were elected as Board Members. 

It was decided that the five Working Groups (WGs) will be headed by: Arnold Weiß (Head of EU Regulatory Affairs at EPEX SPOT) for WG Power Markets; Frederick Bernthaler (Head of Legal at CEGH) for WG Gas Markets; Jethro van Hardeveld (Director Regulatory Policy at ICE Endex) for WG Environmental Markets; Anje Stiers (Head of EU Representation Office at EEX) for WG Financial Markets; and Evangelia Papadionysiou (Director, Markets Monitoring & Analysis at EnExGroup) for the newly created Working Group on REMIT (WG REMIT).

30 May 2023
BSP SouthPool joins Europex

BSP Energy Exchange Ljubljana joins Europex as a full member

18 April 2023
BGH, the Balkan Gas Hub, joins Europex

The Balkan Gas Hub (BGH EAD) joins Europex as a full member

19 January 2023
BRM, the Romanian Commodities Exchange, joins Europex

The Romanian Commodities Exchange (Bursa Română de Mărfuri – BRM) joins Europex as a Full Member

27 October 2022
COTEE, the Electricity Market Operator of Montenegro, joins Europex
COTEE, the Electricity Market Operator of Montenegro, joins Europex as a Full Member.
12 April 2022
Europex celebrates its 20th anniversary

1 February 2022
ALPEX, the Albanian Power Exchange, becomes a member of Europex

The Albanian Power Exchange (ALPEX) joins Europex as an Associate Member.

25 October 2021
Energy Trading Platform Amsterdam (ETPA) joins Europex

ETPA, Energy Trading Platform Amsterdam, joins Europex as a Full Member.

22 October 2021
General Assembly elects Chairman, Board members and Heads of Working Groups for 2022-2023 mandate

Pieter Schuurs (President and COO of ICE Endex) is re-elected Chairman of the Board for his third term, while Borut Rajer (Director of Operations, Borzen), Jonas Törnquist (COO, EPEX SPOT), and Piotr Zawistowski (President of the Management Board of TGE) continue in their roles as Board members. Andrea Péruzy (Chairman and CEO of GME) and Ahmet Türkoğlu (CEO of EPİAŞ/EXIST) are newly elected to the Board.

The Power Markets Working Group continues to be headed by Rickard Nilsson (Nord Pool) and the Gas Markets Working Group by Frederick Bernthaler (CEGH). Likewise, Michiel Mulder (ICE Endex) and Anje Stiers (EEX) continues to head the Working Groups Environmental Markets and Financial Markets respectively.

14 April 2020
General Assembly elects Kari Ekelund Thørud (Nord Pool) as new Board Member

In a digital election, the Europex General Assembly elects Kari Ekelund Thørud, CEO at Nord Pool, as a new Europex Board Member. She succeeds Erling Thiis, formerly CFO at Nord Pool, who had resigned from his role as Europex Board member on 31 March 2020.

12 February 2020
MIBGAS joins
MIBGAS, the Iberian Gas Exchange (Spain), joins as a full member.
18 December 2019
MEMO joins

MEMO Ltd, the National Electricity Market Operator of North Macedonia (North Macedonia), joins as an associate member.  

23 October 2019
UEEX joins

UEEX, the Ukrainian Energy Exchange (Ukraine), joins as an associate member. 

30 September 2019
General Assembly elects Board and WG Heads for 2020-2021

Pieter Schuurs, President and COO of ICE Endex, is re-elected as Europex Chairman and will serve his second full term. Borut Rajer (Director of Operations, Borzen), Erling Thiis (CFO, Nord Pool), Jonas Törnquist (COO and Member of the Management Board at EPEX SPOT) and Artur Trindade (President of OMIE and Chairman and CEO of OMIP) will also continue in their roles as Board members. Piotr Zawistowski (President of the Management Board, TGE) was newly elected to the Board.

Three Working Group Heads are elected to continue in their respective roles: Frederick Bernthaler (PCG) as Head of WG GM, Rickard Nilsson (Nord Pool) as Head of WG PM and Anje Stiers (EEX) as Head of the Financial Markets Working Group (WG FM). Michiel Mulder (ICE Endex) will lead WG EM for the first time.

12 October 2018
General Assembly elects Jonas Törnquist (EPEX SPOT) as new Board Member

Jonas Törnquist, COO and Member of the Management Board at EPEX SPOT, is elected to the Europex Board. He replaces Jean-François Conil-Lacoste who had announced the end of his mandate as Chairman and CEO of EPEX SPOT. Jean-François Conil-Lacoste will simultaneously resign from his current position as Europex Board member which he has held since May 2016.

31 October 2017
General Assembly elects Board and WG Heads for 2018-2019

Pieter Schuurs (President & COO, ICE Endex) is re-elected as Chairman of the Board while Jean-François Conil-Lacoste (CEO, EPEX SPOT) and Egbert Läge (CEO, Powernext) continue in their roles as Board members. Borut Rajer (Director of Operations, Borzen), Erling Thiis (CFO & acting CEO, Nord Pool) and Artur Trindade (Vice Chairman of OMIE and Vice Chairman of OMIP) were newly elected to the Board.

The Power Markets Working Group continues to be headed by Rickard Nilsson (Nord Pool) and the Gas Markets Working Group by Frederick Bernthaler (CEGH). Derya Erbay (EPİAŞ) took responsibility for the Environmental Markets Working Group and Anje Stiers (EEX) will head the Working Group for Financial Regulation, Integrity and Transparency.

12 April 2017
Europex celebrates its 15th anniversary
1 January 2017
Europex moves to new headquarters

After being located on Rue Montoyer for eight years the Europex Secretariat moves to Rue Archimède 44, representing an important milestone for the Association. The new location near the Berlaymont building, the heart of the European district, accommodates an expanding team, providing an even stronger presence in Brussels and a more accessible venue for meetings and other events.

24 October 2016
General Assembly elects Karol Peršolja (Borzen) as new Board member

The General Assembly of Europex elects Karol Peršolja, General Manager at Borzen, the Slovenian Power Market Operator, to the Europex Board. Mr Peršolja replaces Ireneusz Łazor who resigned from TGE, the Polish Power Exchange.

24 May 2016
General Assembly elects Pieter Schuurs (ICE Endex) as Chairman, Jean-François Conil-Lacoste joins Board (EPEX SPOT).

At its annual meeting on 24 May 2016 in Leipzig, Germany, the General Assembly of Europex elects Pieter Schuurs, President & COO of ICE Endex, as the new Chairman of the Association.

In addition, Jean-François Conil-Lacoste, Chairman of the Management Board of EPEX SPOT, is elected to the Europex Board. The election follows the departure of Massimo Ricci who was no longer eligible for the position of Europex Chairman. 

29 January 2016
EPİAŞ and IBEX join

Europex starts 2016 with a new member: EPİAŞ, Enerji Piyasaları İşletme A.Ş. (Turkey), a Turkish energy exchange based in Istanbul.

Following the recent integration of the businesses of EPEX SPOT SE and APX B.V., the General Assembly agreed to transfer the Europex membership of APX B.V. to EPEX SPOT SE.

On 29 January 2016, Europex admits its 26th member: IBEX, the Independent Bulgarian Power Exchange (Bulgaria). IBEX was established in 2014 and is based in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia. 

15 October 2015
General Assembly elects first Board and WG Heads

Massimo Ricci (Chairman & CEO of GME) is re-elected as Europex Chairman. The GA elects Egbert Laege (CEO of Powernext), Ireneusz Łazor (President of the Management Board of TGE), Mikael Lundin (CEO of Nord Pool Spot), Pedro J. Mejía Gómez (Chairman & CEO of OMIE & OMIP) and Pieter Schuurs (President & COO at ICE Endex) to the Europex Board.

The four Heads of the Working Groups are also elected. Frederick Bernthaler (Head of Legal at CEGH) leads WG GM, Rickard Nilsson (Senior Adviser Innovation and Market Design at Nord Pool Spot) leads WG PM, Borut Rajer (Director of Operations at Borzen) leads WG EM and Daniel Wragge (Head of Political & Regulatory Affairs at EEX) leads WG FIT.

18 May 2015
General Assembly appoints Christian Baer as Secretary General, APCS, CROPEX, ELEXON, and ESCO join

The General Assembly appoints Christian Baer as the new Secretary General, approves APCS (Austria), CROPEX (Croatia) and ELEXON (United Kingdom) as new full members and approves ESCO (Georgia) as a new associate member of the Association. Europex now represents 24 members in total.

4 April 2014
Europex General Assembly approves new AoA, PXE joins

The General Assembly approves the new Articles of Association (AoA), which set out rules for the functioning of the association and confirms the full membership of PXE – Power Exchange Central Europe (Czech Republic).

December 2013
General Assembly elects adopts new governance structure, elects Massimo Ricci (GME) as Chairman

The General Assembly endorses a new governance structure to apply from 2014 and elects a new Chairman, Massimo Ricci, CEO and Chairman of GME.

The new governance structure creates the Europex Board and establishes the position of Head of Working Group. The Board comprises six members: the Chairperson of the Board and five additional Board members who are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term.

May 2013
HROTE and ICE Endex join

HROTE (Croatia) and ICE ENDEX (The Netherlands) become full members.

May 2012
HEMO joins

HEMO, the Hellenic Electricity Market Operator (Greece), becomes a full member.

March 2011
Europex becomes the "Association of European Energy Exchanges"

Europex becomes the “Association of European Energy Exchanges” and launches a redesigned website for the occasion.

November 2011
General Assembly elects José Carvalho Netto (OMIE, OMIP) as Chairman, CEGH, OKTE and SEMO join

CEGH AG (Austria), OKTE s.a. (Slovakia) and SEMO (Ireland) become full members.

José Carvalho Netto, Chairman and CEO of OMIE and OMIP is elected Chairman. He held this position until the end of 2013.

HUPX joins

HUPX, the Hungarian Power Exchange (Hungary), becomes a full member.

September 2009
Europex Secretariat established, Jean-François Conil-Lacoste (Powernext) elected as Chairman

The Europex Secretariat is established with a formal office in Brussels. Jean-François Conil-Lacoste, CEO of Powernext, is elected Chairman. He held this position until the end of 2011.

Four Working Groups established

Europex formally establishes four Working Groups on Power Markets (WG PM), Gas Markets (WG GM), Transparency and Integrity of Spot and Derivatives Markets (WG TI) and Environmental Markets (WG EM) to better respond to the energy exchanges’ challenges in different areas.

Salvatore Zecchini (GME) elected as Chairman, Manuel Coxe appointed as first Secretary General

Salvatore Zecchini, President of GME, is elected Chairman in November 2008. He held this position until July 2009.

Manuel Coxe is appointed as the first Secretary General of the Association. He formally took office in February 2009 and held this position until January 2015.

Nord Pool Spot joins

Nord Pool Spot (Norway) becomes a full member.

General Assembly elects Torger Lien (Nord Pool ASA) as chairman, OMIP & Belpex join

OMIP (Portugal) and Belpex (Belgium) become full members. Torger Lien, CEO of Nord Pool ASA, is elected Chairman in December 2006. He held this position until the end of 2008.


ENDEX - European Energy Derivatives (The Netherlands), EXAA - Energy Exchange Austria (Austria), POLPX - Polish Power Exchange (Poland) and OPCOM - Electricity and Natural Gas Market Operator (Romania) become full members.

Damjan Stanek (Borzen) elected as Chairman

In December 2004, Damjan Stanek, CEO of Borzen, is elected Chairman. He held this position until the end of 2006.

OTE a.s. joins

OTE a.s., the Czech electricity and gas market operator (Czech Republic), becomes a full member.

Europex formally founded, Bert den Ouden (APX) elected as first Chairman

Europex, the Association of European Power Exchanges, is formally founded on 12 April 2002 by the following seven members: APX - Amsterdam Power Exchange (The Netherlands), Borzen (Slovenia), EEX - European Energy Exchange (Germany), GME - Gestore del Mercato Elettrico (Italy), Nord Pool ASA (Norway), OMEL - Operador del Mercado Electrico (Spain) and Powernext (France).

The seven members elect Bert den Ouden, CEO of APX, as the first Chairperson of the Association. 

María Luisa Huidobro (OMEL) appointed as interim Chairperson

María Luisa Huidobro, CEO of OMEL, the Spanish power exchange, is appointed as interim Chairperson to supervise the setup of the Association and organise the first elections in 2002.