stefano Alaimo

Stefano is Head of Markets Department at Gestore Mercati Enegetici (GME). GME operates on power, gas, fuel and environmental markets in Italy.
Stefano joined GME since the beginning (2001), covering the role of Responsible of Environmental Markets first and, in 2014, Responsible of the Markets.
He already served Europex as Head of the Environmental Markets for several years and the NEMOs community as NEMO Co-Chair in the Single Intraday Coupling Project (SIDC) from 2016 to 2022. In that function, he represented NEMOs in the negotiation with TSOs, European Commission and ACER to deliver the european market integration on the intraday timeframe.
Before joining GME, Stefano had an extensive experience in the financial sector, covering roles that span from mutual fund manager, market maker on government bonds, Interest Rates and Foreign Exchange trader in Rome, London and Milan.
Stefano holds a university degree in Economic and Statistical Sciences from Rome La Sapienza University.