MEMO - National Electricity Market Operator of North Macedonia

MEMO Ltd, the National Electricity Market Operator of North Macedonia was formally established in August 2018 and started operating in October 2019. MEMO is fully owned by JSC MEPSO Skopje, the Transmission System Operator for Electricity of North Macedonia.

On 1 October 2019, a license for organizing and managing the electricity market in the Republic of North Macedonia was issued to MEMO Ltd by the NRA, the Energy and Water Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia.

MEMO carries out various tasks as a ‘delegated operator’, including the administration of the bilateral electricity market, the calculations of imbalance settlement and invoicing. In addition, it acts as the single buyer and Balancing Responsible Party (BRP) for all supported Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in North Macedonia and provides RES production forecasts.

RES portfolio:

  • 89 small hydropower plants with 86.3 MW installed capacity.
  • 79 photovoltaic plants with 12.3 MW installed capacity.
  • 2 wind power plants with 72,8 MW installed capacity.
  • 5 biogas/biomass plants with 5.6 MW installed capacity.


MEMO was recognised as Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) in September 2020 by the Government and was tasked with establishing an electricity spot exchange (day ahead and intraday) for North Macedonia as well as providing opportunities for and participating in future market coupling operations with neighboring countries.

MEMO’s mission is to provide a secure and transparent trading environment, providing each market participant with fair and equal access to the market.


Go live of the day-ahead market in North Macedonia on May 10.


MEMO nominated as a NEMO (Nominated Electricity Market Operator).


License for Market Operator in North Macedonia issued by the NRA.


MEMO Ltd created in line with the new Energy Law transposing the Third Energy Package.


Electricity Market Operator distinguished as a separate branch in JSC MEPSO.


Market Operator Unit created as part of JSC MEPSO.

Facts & Figures


Str. Maksim Gorki No. 12

1000 Skopje

North Macedonia

Date of foundation



Zoran Gjorgjievski

Number of employees (2024)


Annual report(s)


Feed-in tariff – producers 2023

Purchased: 367.883,457 MWh

Sold: 353.447,309 MWh

Europex GA member

Zoran Gjorgjievski


Europex contact person

Mitko Ognenoski

Head of Department for Renewable Energy and Organised Electricity Market

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General contact details


National Electricity Market Operator of North Macedonia
Str. Maksim Gorki No. 4,
1000 Skopje,
North Macedonia