Europex position paper on Gas Balancing

Brussels, 01 September 2010| Europex advocates the development of integrated, liquid and efficient wholesale markets for gas in Europe and considers market-based balancing rules as a corner stone of this objective. The current patchwork of balancing rules and mechanisms across Europe hampers cross-border gas trading, and as such, impedes the development of liquid, integrated (spot) markets. Therefore, Europex strongly supports the development of a European framework aimed at developing harmonised balancing rules and market based balancing mechanisms between adjacent market areas or member states. Market based daily balancing should be the target model for Europe. Mindful of the importance of balancing rules for the realisation of Europe’s vision of a single integrated gas market, Europex considers it of key importance that a set of binding transitional arrangements is developed and aimed at implementing the target model.

Please find the position paper attached.
