“Delivering the benefits of efficient wholesale energy markets to European consumers” – EFET and Europex hold joint policy lunch hosted by Martina Werner, MEP

Brussels, 5 December 2017 | On Tuesday 28 November 2017, EFET and Europex held a common policy lunch on “Delivering the benefits of efficient wholesale energy markets to European consumers”, hosted by MEP Martina Werner at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.

The event featured a panel discussion on the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. Both the host, Martina Werner, MEP, and the special guest speaker Oliver Koch, Deputy Head of Unit, DG ENER, focused their remarks on the central role of electricity wholesale markets. Jérôme Le Page, Manager for European Electricity Markets at EFET, and Rickard Nilsson, Head of the Europex Working Group for Power Markets, completed the panel for the market design discussion, which was moderated by Christian Baer, Europex’ Secretary General.

All panellists highlighted that well-designed, efficient, transparent and fully integrated European wholesale energy markets – both spot and derivative – play a vital role in matching supply and demand in the most efficient way, thereby enabling strong price signals and ensuring local, regional and European security of supply.

Please read the full statement below.
