- Consultation Responses
- Position Papers
- Press Releases
- Reports
BMR review: call to maintain and improve small commodity benchmark exemption, in case Annex II commodity benchmarks are to remain in scope
Europex welcomes the Commission’s proposal to review the Benchmark Regulation (BMR) with regard to its scope, the use of benchmarks and certain reporting requirements. We
Europex calls on Member States not to prolong the Market Correction Mechanism
With the proposed prolongation of the Market Correction Mechanism (MCM) on the agenda of the upcoming TTE Energy Council on 19 December 2023, European energy
Europex response to European Commission’s survey on barriers for demand response participation in electricity markets and State aid schemes
Please see our response to selected questions attached. Attachments 20231124_Europex-response_EC Survey DR File size: 97 KB
Joint feedback on the draft Commission Delegated Regulation establishing a Network Code for Cybersecurity Aspects of Cross-Border Electricity Flows
Europex and the All NEMO Committee welcome the opportunity to respond to the European Commission consultation on the draft Commission Delegated Regulation establishing a Network
Europex & All NEMO Committee response to EU DSO & ENTSO-E public consultation on the Network Code for Demand Response
Europex and the All NEMO Committee welcome the opportunity to provide feedback to the EU DSO & ENTSO-E public consultation on the new Network Code
Industry views regarding the prolongation of the joint purchasing & demand aggregation mechanism
On 24 October 2023, IOGP Europe, EFET, Europex, CEFIC, IFIEC Europe, Eurogas, and IGU sent a joint letter to the European Commission regarding the prolongation
Europex General Assembly elects new leadership team for 2024-2025 mandate & calls for proportionate EMD review
At a regular meeting on Friday, 20 October, in Brussels the Europex General Assembly elected a new Board, including a new Chairperson, as well as
Joint association letter on Article 9 of REMIT
On 24 October, AFME, CMCE, Europex, FESE, FIA, FIA, EPTA, and ISDA (The Associations), representing a wide range of participants in wholesale energy markets (e.g.,
Call on EU energy ministers to prioritise well-functioning, well-integrated and liquid short- and long-term electricity markets
As the EU energy ministers meet in Luxembourg today to discuss and pre-finalise the Council’s general approach on the Electricity Market Design (EMD) review, we
Europex response to the public consultation on ACER decision on harmonised allocation rules for long-term electricity transmission rights
Please see our response to selected questions attached. Attachments 20230926_Europex answer to public consultation on ACER decision on harmonised allocation rules for long-term electricity transmission
Europex response to the public consultation on ACER’s 2023 market monitoring report on cross-zonal capacities and the 70% margin available for cross-zonal electricity trade (MACZT)
Please see our response to selected questions attached. Attachments 20230922_Europex answer to public consultation on ACER's 2023 report on cross-zonal capacities and the 70% MACZT
Joint letter on industry views regarding the EU energy platform
On 20 September, Europex and other trade associations have sent a joint letter to the Coreper I Ambassadors recommending that the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas
Joint association pre-trilogue position paper on REMIT Article 9
On 20 September, Europex and several other trade associations have sent a briefing to negotiators of the REMIT Review legislation with respect to requirement under
Setting a 2040 climate target which builds on the success and integrity of the EU ETS
Setting the correct level of ambition for 2040 based on a thorough impact assessment is important to ensure a clear investment outlook as well as to build on the existing decarbonisation framework in a well-structured manner.
BSP SouthPool joins Europex and MEMO upgrades to full member
BSP Energy Exchange Ljubljana has joined Europex as a full member as of today. Founded in 2008, BSP SouthPool is an authorised Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) in Slovenia.
Europex supports a targeted update of REMIT but cautions against a hasty, inconsistent review with potentially damaging effects
We urge the co-legislators to take the necessary time to fully understand the complexity of this file and seek the viewpoints of stakeholder who have worked closely with ACER to tailor REMIT into the tool it is today.
Europex assessment of the EMD review proposal
We urge lawmakers to carefully assess these proposals to ensure that the EMD package is beneficial to the functioning of short-term markets, the liquidity of long-term markets and the deployment of flexibility assets.
The Balkan Gas Hub joins Europex
The Balkan Gas Hub (BGH EAD) has joined Europex as a full member as of today. With the inclusion of BGH, Europex now counts 33 members.
Europex welcomes the introduction of the domestic reverse charge mechanism for energy and emissions trading in Poland
Europex applauds the efforts of Polish lawmakers to introduce a domestic reverse charge mechanism (DRCM) in Poland as of 1 April 2023.
Electricity industry priorities on inframarginal revenue caps
we call on Member States to end inframarginal revenue caps by 30 June as set out in the 6 October Regulation. We also call on the EU co- legislators to ensure revenue caps remain outside of the scope of the current reform of the Electricity Market Design.
Joint association pre-trilogue comments on the MiFID II / MiFIR Fundamental Review in relation to commodity derivatives
We do not believe that the amendments adopted by ECON in relation to commodities and commodity derivatives will address volatility nor will they reduce energy prices, but instead further impede the development of commodity markets in the EU.
Joint Industry Statement: An Electricity Market Design Fit For Net Zero
The Electricity Market Design reform is an opportunity to future-proof the regulatory framework to enable the decarbonisation of the European economy.
Europex response to the Commission consultation on electricity market design
Europex welcomes this opportunity to comment on the future design of the European electricity market. Please see our response to selected questions.
Europex response to IOSCO consultation on compliance carbon markets
Europex welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to IOSCO’s consultation on compliance carbon markets. Carbon markets play a key role in facilitating decarbonisation at least cost and ensure a high level of competition and innovation.
Joint Letter on GHGP Land Sector and Removals Guidance
Over 50 biogas and biomethane trade associations and companies call for a rethink on the use of biomethane certificates for greenhouse gas reporting by corporate gas users.