- Consultation Responses
- Position Papers
- Press Releases
- Reports
Joint association call to safeguard the proper functioning of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)
Europex and seven other associations have co-signed a letter calling to safeguard diversity of participation in the EU ETS. To read the full letter, please see the pdf
Electricity Emergency Tool: Taking appropriate measures in extraordinary times without losing sight of future challenges
Following the urgency legislation in the gas sector, notably regarding gas storage and gas demand reduction in the spring and early summer, the European Commission
Joint industry call to relieve cash liquidity pressure on market participants by extending eligible non-cash collateral 
Please find our detailed position paper attached: Attachments 20220912_Joint associations’ paper on the extension of eligible non-cash collateral File size: 203 KB
Europex response to ACER public consultation on the draft Framework Guidelines on Demand Response
Demand response, and more generally system flexibility, play a key role in achieving the EU’s decarbonisation targets and securing future system stability as volatile electricity production from renewables will need to increase substantially in the years to come.
Winter Preparedness Action Plan: Europex welcomes market-based approach to achieving efficient demand reduction
Europex welcomes the forward-looking action from both the Council and the Commission to enhance coordination on measures to reduce natural gas demand to alleviate risks in anticipation of full or partial supply disruption of Russian natural gas.
Europex response to ACER-CEER draft policy paper on the further development of the EU electricity forward market
We remain critical of how this draft policy paper addresses and assesses the overall functioning of the electricity forward market and the proposals put forth to approach the identified shortcomings.
Europex response to Commission consultation on RED II draft Delegated Acts on RFNBOs & GHG Savings Methodology
As the main objective is decarbonisation, clear rules are needed to determine the renewable character of both electricity and RFNBOs, including hydrogen which is likely to play a key role in the future energy mix.
Europex General Assembly meets to discuss high energy prices and mark the Association’s 20th Anniversary
At the regular meeting of the General Assembly, members discussed high energy prices and the regulatory impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on European energy markets.
Joint industry call: using the Internal Energy Market as a tool to manage this crisis and an asset to build the future
As the European Council meeting of 30 and 31 May approaches, we urge Member States to consider the added value of the IEM in managing the immediate effects of this crisis and in shaping the energy sector of the future.
Efficient and transparent energy markets should be at the heart of the Commission’s REPowerEU Plan rather than put into question
As regards the new REPowerEU Plan published yesterday, we have serious concerns about several of the proposed short-term emergency measures as they risk threatening the integrity and functioning of the Internal Energy Market.
Joint association call to safeguard the diversity of participation in the EU ETS
Imposing restrictions on who may or may not participate in the EU ETS would significantly weaken the market, putting at risk the EU’s ability to meet its climate goals in a cost-efficient manner.
Joint association paper on margining liquidity support and eligibility of guarantees and non-cash collateral
This response has been compiled by EACH, EFET, Eurelectric, Eurogas and Europex and reflects the views of their respective memberships
Joint industry call to safeguard the benefits of the Internal Energy Market
In the short-term, measures to protect vulnerable consumers are essential. But the only real sustainable solution to the current crisis is to shift away from fossil fuels, invest massively in clean energy alternatives, accelerate energy savings and unlock demand response.
Europex response to ESMA’s Opinion on the trading venue perimeter
We do not agree with the view that a system where on one side of any trade (buy side or sell side) there is always the same party should be considered multilateral simply because the system is operated by a third party (draft ESMA opinion no. 24).
Europex Feedback to Commission Consultation on Amendments to the CACM Guideline
Europex welcomes the opportunity to participate in this consultation and provide detailed input to the ACER proposal. Please note that we respond only to the selected questions listed in the attached document.
Europex welcomes Commission proposal to continue protecting electricity, gas, emissions and GO trading from Missing Trader Intra-Community Fraud
Europex explicitly welcomes and fully supports the Commission’s legislative proposal to extend the derogation in Article 199a of the VAT Directive allowing Member States to apply the domestic reverse charge mechanism (DRCM) to transactions in electricity, gas, emission allowances and Guarantees of Origin (GOs).
European Commission mandatory gas storage proposal: the EU’s Integrated Gas Market as a cornerstone to security of supply
Europex welcomes the European Commission’s call for enhanced coordination on natural gas storage. We fully share the Commission’s assessment that any measures taken must not inordinately distort the efficient functioning of the EU’s internal gas market.
Initial Europex reaction to Commission communication on joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy
Europe is currently facing a severe shock to its energy markets, the reasons for which are diverse, ranging from global demand and supply fundamentals in the early stages and now strongly influenced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Europex comments on draft Network Code for cybersecurity aspects of cross-border electricity flows
To avoid a patchwork of cybersecurity rules for essential services and critical infrastructures, regulators must ensure that the criteria of proportionality, harmonisation and efficiency are always at the core of the development of current and future cybersecurity legislation.
Europex excludes the Saint Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX) from its membership
In response to the Russian government’s actions against Ukraine, the General Assembly of Europex has decided to exclude the Saint Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX) from Europex, effectively terminating their associate membership as of today.
Joint Association Letter on the Importance of Protecting the EU ETS from Damaging Interventions
We would like to express our concern that the European Commission may be considering intervention in the ETS, either through position limits or some other action, ahead of the publication of ESMA’s final report on the EU Carbon Market.
IOSCO Consultation: Principles for the Regulation and Supervision of Commodity Derivatives Markets
Europex is fully aligned with the core objectives of the Principles to ensure that commodity derivatives markets can serve their fundamental role of facilitating fair and efficient price discovery and hedging in a transparent, secure and well-regulated trading environment, while remaining free from market manipulation and other abusive practices.
The ‘Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market’ Package: a solid foundation for the development of competitive and liquid markets in renewable and low-carbon gases
The new measures help to ensure that the gas regulatory framework is fit for purpose for the uptake of renewable and low-carbon gases, whilst retaining the core benefits of the Internal Energy Market.
ENTSO-E Consultation on the Network Code for Cybersecurity Aspects of Cross-Border Electricity Flows
We welcome this opportunity to provide input to the ENTSO-E and EU DSO proposal for a Network Code on Cybersecurity aspects of cross-border electricity flows.
COP 26: Adopting clear implementation rules of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement must be made a priority to ensure decarbonisation at least cost
The two main goals of the Paris Agreement to reach global net zero emissions by mid-century and to keep to close or below 1.5 degrees